Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Conclusion of the Customer Satisfaction Research

After collecting and analyzing the data, i would like to make a conclusion for overall of customer satisfaction of KFC. In the conclusion, i will separate the information of customer satisfaction that had been collected based on 4 categories which is food, dining environment, services and staff by provide the average mean for every sub-question in all of the category. Each of the category will have 5 sub-questions.

(1) Food

The histogram above is the average mean of the 5 sub-questions in the food category. From the histogram above, we can know the tasty of food was gaining the highest mean that is 4.05 because there were many respondents agree with the food of KFC was tasty and delicious. By providing the tasty and delicious foods, KFC gains high satisfaction from the customer. But, the lowest mean is 3.00 which is about the healthy of the food in the KFC. So, the respondents think that the food in KFC is delicious but it seems like not enough healthy for the customers and gain a low satisfaction from the customers. In order to increase the satisfaction about the healthy, KFC can try to come out with some combo set meal that include more fresh vegetables because some of the meals in KFC are lack of vegetables inside. So, KFC can try to balance the vegetables and meats to promote the absorb of balance diet.

(2) Dining Environment

The histogram above is the average mean of the 5 sub-questions in the dining environment category. From the histogram above, we can know the seat arrangement is good gaining the highest mean that is 3.70 because there are many of respondents agree with the seat arrangement of KFC is neat and comfortable. By arrange the seats with neat and good, KFC gains high satisfaction because the customers feel comfortable with the arrangement of the seats. But, KFC gains a low satisfaction from the customers due to their washroom is not clean enough because the mean for the cleanness of washroom is the lowest which is 3.00. So, KFC needs to take some actions to prevent the customer satisfaction keep decrease. I suggest that KFC can increase the frequency of cleaning the washroom per day. In order to solve the problem, KFC needs to ensure their washroom is clean.

(3) Services

The histogram above show the average mean of the 5 sub-questions in the services category. From the histogram above, we can know the food order of customers are correct and complete in the KFC because it gain a mean of 3.70. So, this will let the customers have the high satisfaction based on their orders are serving with correctly and completely. But, there also have 1 sub-question that gain the lowest mean that is 2.90 for the service was fast because customers feel disagree with the services of KFC is fast. So, the service of KFC is not fast enough based on the perspective of the respondents. In order to improve the speed of the services, KFC can recruitment more workers to serve the customers with fast.

(4) Staff

The histogram above shows the average mean of 5 sub-questions in the staff category. From the histogram above, we can know the awareness of staff in KFC is good because this has gain the highest mean which is 3.25. So, the customers are satisfy with the awareness of the staff because the staff can aware there have customer and take the order with immediately. But, the customer satisfaction is low with the mean of 3.00. This is about the staff of KFC does not smile to the customers when they are taking the order with the customers. In order to increase the customer satisfaction, KFC can teach or train the staff to show a smile face toward the customers when they are taking the order from the customers.

Lastly, the customer satisfaction of KFC is moderate because some areas that still need to improve and enhance to increase the satisfaction of the customers such as the healthy of food, cleanness of the washroom, speed of services provided and the attitude of staff when taking orders. But, there also have some of the areas are quite good because those areas are gaining the high satisfaction from the customers such as their food is tasty, seat arrangement, food order of customers are correctly and completely, and the awareness of staff to take orders.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Data Analyzing

Demographic Data


The histogram above shows that the gender of respondent. There are 65% males and 35% females who participate for the questionnaire of this research.


The histogram above shows the age group of the respondents. There are  60% person's age is between 18 - 20, 35% person is between 21- 23 and 5% person is between 24 - 26 years old.


The histogram above shows the frequency of the respondents are going to KFC. There are 60% of respondents going 1 time per week, 25% of respondents going 2 times per week, 10% of respondents going 3 times per week and 5% of respondent who going 5 times or more per week.

Customer Satisfaction

(A) Food Category 
  • The food was healthy and fulfills your needs.

The histogram above shows the data for the customer satisfaction in the food category. From the data above, we can know there have 60% of respondents who put neutral, 20% of respondents agree with this and 20% of respondents disagree with this.

  • The food was served with hot, clean and fresh.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the food category. From the data above, we can know there have 45% of respondents agree with this, 40% of respondents put neutral for this, 5% of respondent strongly agree, disagree and strongly disagree with this.

  • The menu had a good selection of the items.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the food category. From the data above, there have 55% of respondents agree with this, 40% of respondents put neutral and 5% of respondent  disagree with this. 

  • The menu board was easy to read and understand.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the food category. From the data above, we can know that there have 5% of respondent strongly agree with this, 60% of respondents agree with this, 15% of respondents put neutral and 20% of respondents disagree with this.

  • Overall, the food were tasty and delicious.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the food category. From the data above, we can know there have 20% of respondents strongly agree, 65% of respondents agree with this and 15% of respondents put neutral for this. 

(B) Dining Environment Category

  • The restaurant was clean.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the dining environment category. From the data above, we can know there 5% respondent strongly agree, 20% of respondents agree, 50% of respondents put neutral got this and 25% of respondents disagree with this.

  • The washroom was clean.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the dining environment category. From the data above, we can know there was 5% of respondent strongly agree, 40% of respondents agree with this, 20% of respondents put neutral, 20% of respondents disagree and 15% of respondents strongly disagree with this.

  • The lighting was good.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the dining environment category. From the data above, we can know there have 50% of respondents agree, 35% of respondents put neutral, 10% of  respondents disagree and 5% of respondent strongly disagree with this.

  • The temperature in the restaurant was suitable for you.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the dining environment category. From the data above, we can know there have 5% of respondent strongly agree, 45% of respondents agree that, 35% of respondents put neutral and 15% of respondents disagree with this. 

  • The seating arrangement was neat and comfortable.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the dining environment category. From the data above, we can know there have 10% of respondents strongly agree, 55% of respondents agree that, 30% of respondents put neutral and 5% of respondent disagree with this.

(C) Services Category

  • We were seated promptly.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the services category. From the data above, we can know there have 5% of respondent strongly agree, 15% of respondents agree, 65% of respondents put neutral, 10% of respondents disagree with this and 5% of respondent strongly disagree with this. 

  • The service was fast.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the services category. From the data above, we can know there 5% of respondent strongly agree, 30% of respondents agree, 20% of respondents put  neutral, 40% of respondents disagree and 5% of respondent strongly disagree with this. 

  • The availability of utensils and sauces.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the services category. From the data above, we can know there have 20% of respondents strongly agree, 20% of respondents agree, 45% of respondents put neutral and 15% of respondents disagree with this.

  • The foods were served correctly as ordered.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the services category. From the data above, we can know there have 10% of respondents strongly agree, 40% of respondents agree this, 35% of  respondents put neutral, 10% respondents disagree and 5% of respondent strongly disagree with this.

  • My food order was correct and complete.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the services category. From the data above, we can know there have 10% of respondents strongly agree, 60% of respondents agree this, 20% of  respondents put neutral and 10% of respondents disagree with this.

(D) Staff Category

  • The staff were friendly and courteous when taking our order.

 The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the staff category. From the data above, we can know there have 20% of respondents agree this, 70% of respondents put neutral and 10% of  respondents disagree with this.

  • The staff were aware for taking order with customers.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the staff category. From the data above, we can know there have 5% of respondent strongly agree, 40% of respondents agree with this, 30% of  respondents put neutral, 25% of respondents disagree with this.

  • The staff speak politely and clearly.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the staff category. From the data above, we can know there have 35% of respondents agree, 45% of respondents put neutral and 20% of respondents  disagree with this.

  • The staff was dressed appropriately and have a good appearance.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the staff category. From the data above, we can know there have 20% of respondents agree, 70% of respondents put neutral and 10% of respondents disagree with this.

  • The staff were smile when taking order for customers.

The histogram above shows the data for customer satisfaction in the staff category. From the data above, we can know there have 40% of respondents agree, 20% of respondents put neutral and 40% of respondents disagree with this.

Research: Observation Method

For the observation method, i had went to KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju to observe the condition and environment of the KFC. After that, i had took some photos of the KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju.

Photo of KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju

Photo of KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju

From the photos above, i can have a view to the environment of the KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju. There are many customers who were having their meals in the KFC. This outlet is quite big and have many seats for the customers.

Photo of KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju

From the photo above, there were 4 lines of customers who queue to order their meals. The menu of the meals could be seen above the counter with clearly.

Photo of KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju

Photo of KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju

From the photos above, we could found that the workers of KFC was wearing their uniform and cap. This had shown that they were caring about the cleanness and to prevent their hair drop to the foods of customers. Through wear the uniform, they would became more professional and well manner. Furthermore, we could knew that the worker was standing at the center there and ready to serve the customers. There also have one worker who was tidy up the things.

Photo of KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju

From the photo above, we could knew that there was a notice area that show the toys and information of the KFC. There also have some brochures that provide to the customers to let the customers know the latest promotions and meals.

Research: Questionnaire Method

For the questionnaire method, i had been conducted a survey by gave out the questionnaire to the 20 customers of the KFC Jusco, Wangsa Maju. Every respondents had been asked to answer 20 questions in the questionnaire based on the 4 categories, which is food, dining environment, services and staffs. Unfortunately, the respondents were refusing to take photo with me. My questionnaire had 2 parts. The first part is about demographic questions and the second part is about the customer satisfaction. The question in the questionnaire is as below:-

(A) Demographic Questions
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Frequency of meal in KFC
(B) Customer Satisfaction

  (1) Food

  • The food was health and fulfills your needs.
  • The food was served with hot, clean and fresh.
  • The menu had a good selection of items.
  • The menu board was easy to read and understand.
  • Overall, the foods were tasty and delicious.
  (2) Dining Environment
  • The restaurant was clean.
  • The washroom was clean.
  • The lighting was good.
  • The temperature in the restaurant was suitable for you.
  • The seating arrangement was neat and comfortable.
 (3) Services
  • We were seated promptly.
  • The service was fast.
  • The availability if utensils and sauces.
  • The foods were served correctly as ordered.
  • My food order was correct and complete.
 (4) Staffs
  • The staffs were friendly and courteous when taking our order.
  • The staffs were aware for taking order with customers.
  • The staffs speak politely and clearly.
  • The staffs were dressed appropriately and have a good appearance.
  • The staff were smile when taking order for customers.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Research of customer satisfaction at KFC


KFC outlet in Jusco, Wangsa Maju

KFC outlet in Jusco, Wangsa Maju

I am a student from Tar College. Currently, I am doing my business research assignment that to investigate the customer satisfaction. I have choose fast food industry to do my research and i have choose is KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) as the company to investigate the customer satisfaction of the KFC. After that, I decide to do my investigation at the one of the KFC Outlet which locate in the Jusco, Wangsa Maju. 

Company background

Image of KFC

Image of KFC
Before i start my research, i have gather some information of the background of the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) to understand and know the company background. The KFC founder is Colonel Harland Sanders who started his fried chicken business from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky. The franchising concept of KFC is because the business is growing and expanding become too large for the founder to manage. So, he decides to sell the company to a group of investors but his image still used as branding of KFC. Nowadays, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a worldwide largest chain of fried chicken fast food restaurant and second largest chain of restaurant after the McDonald's. It has over 17000 outlets in 105 countries in the world. The Headquarter of KFC Corporation that based in Louisville, Kentucky in United State and it is a brand that has a 59-years history of success and innovation.